Dr David Berceli, Ph.D. is an expert in the areas of trauma intervention and conflict resolution. He is also the energetic and creative founder and CEO of Trauma Recovery Services (1998). For the past 22 years he has lived and worked in several countries providing trauma relief workshops and designing recovery programs for international organizations around the world.
David is the creator of the unique and innovative series of TRE® -Trauma Releasing Exercises, that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance and homeostasis.
David continues to be involved in trauma recovery programs not solely for the sake of reducing the suffering caused by trauma but because he has recognized globally that trauma possesses unique possibilities of transformation in the individual if they pursue their recovery process to its ultimate end. He has designed TRE® on the fundamental idea, backed by recent research, that stress, tension and trauma is both psychological and physical.
Dave has lived and worked extensively in Israel/Palestine, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Yemen, Egypt, and Lebanon. Fluent in English and Arabic, he brings a keen understanding of the intertwining dynamics of religion and ethnic customs and has developed specific processes to enable people to manage personal trauma as well as bring healing and reconciliation between diverse groups
For more extensive information on his fascinating work with the US military as well as his travels across the world introducing TRE® to sometimes devastated communities as well as to survivors of natural disasters and war, please go to his website
PhD and Masters Dissertations
TRE focuses on releasing the psoas muscle, which connects the lumbar vertebrae to the pelvis. This powerful muscle holds physical, emotional, and mental stress that we carry in our bodies over the course of our lives.
Berceli D. Evaluating the effects of stress reduction exercises employing mild tremors: a pilot study [dissertation]. Phoenix (AZ): Arizona State University; 2009. | Download
McCann T. An evaluation of the effects of a training program in Trauma Releasing Exercises on quality of life [master’s thesis]. Cape Town, South Africa: University of Cape Town; 2011. | Download
Macedo D. [Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercise: Application to situations of domestic violence][Master’s thesis]. Brasilia, Brazil: Universidade de Brasilia; 2013. Portuguese | Download
Talvinen, Henna. The effects of TRE-method on stress relief: Research to describe the effects of TRE-method on stress relief among psychiatric healthcare employees. 2017. (Finnish with Abstract In English) | Download
Nordstroem, Jonas. Literature Synthesis on Neurogenic Tremor. [Research Paper] Saybrook University. RES2100: Research Foundations and Literacy November, 2021. | Download
Atterbury, E.M. (2019). Exploring therapeutic neurogenic tremors with exercise as a treatment for selective motor and non-motor Parkinson's disease symptoms (Doctoral dissertation). Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Supervisor, Supervisor: Karen Estelle Welman. (Publications in progress)
Hagberg, R. (2022) Experiences of the use of TRE®-exercises among adults who stutter: a quasi-experimental intervention study (Finnish with abstract in English). | Download
Publications: Research
Berceli D. [Neurogenic tremors: A body-oriented treatment for trauma in large populations]. Trauma und Gewalt. 2010 May; 4 (2):148-156. German. | Download
Berceli D, Salmon M, Bonifas R, Ndefo N. Effects of self-induced unclassified tremors on quality of life among non-professional caregivers: A pilot study. Glob Adv Health Med. 2014;3(5):45-48. | Abstract
Schweitzer E, Bradt KM. [Dem Malinowski-Blues entgehen: KÖrperorientierte EntspannungsÜbungen zur Stressbewältigung während der Feldforschung]. Ethnoscripts. 2015; 17(1): 228-242.German| Download
Herold, A. Preliminary Results of Several Small Sample Studies In The Ukraine, During TRE on Different Levels. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy; 2015; 2 (1-2). | Download
Harrison EG, Keating JL, Morgan P. et al. Novel Exercises for Restless Legs Syndrome: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. J Am Board Fam Med 2018; 31:783–794. | Download
Amaral MA, Andrade EAR, Angnes GM, Sardeiro ER, Carvalho LBS, Fonseca VMAC, and Vasconcelos AA. Soluções Inovadoras para a Promoção de Saúde Mental de Adolescentes na Atenção Primária. Revista Adolescência e Saúde 2018; 15(1):66-72 | Portuguese Download Amaral MA, Andrade EAR, Angnes GM, Sardeiro ER, Carvalho LBS, Fonseca VMAC, and Vasconcelos AA. Innovative Solutions for the Promotion of Adolescent Mental Health in Primary Care. Revista Adolescência e Saúde 2018; 15(1):66-72 | English Download Amaral MA, Andrade EAR, Angnes GM, Sardeiro ER, Carvalho LBS, Fonseca VMAC, and Vasconcelos AA. Soluciones Innovadoras para la Promoción de Salud Mental de Adolescentes en la Atención Primaria. Revista Adolescência e Saúde 2018; 15(1):66-72 | Spanish Download
Winkler S. Neurogenes Zittern als neuer Baustein in der Traumabehandlung? - Praktische Erfahrungen und theoretische Erläuterungen, Psychotherapeutenjournal 3-2018, S. 244- 250 | View
Предварительные результаты нескольких исследований проведенных на небольшой выборке в Украине, во время тренингов TRE (упражнения для снятия стресса и травмы по Д. Берсели)на различных уровнях | Download
Heath R. and Beattie J. Case Report of a Former Soldier Using TRE (Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises) For PostTraumatic Stress Disorder Self-Care. Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health, 2019, Vol 27; No.3. | View
Thommessen, Cathrine Scharff & Fougner, Marit. Body awareness in acting – a case study of TRE as a supporting tool for drama students’ personal and professional development. Journal of Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 2020. | View
M. Lynning, C. Svaneb, K.Westergaard, S.O.Bergien, S.R.Gunnersen, L.Skovgaard. Tension and trauma releasing exercises for people with multiple sclerosis – An exploratory pilot study. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 2021. | View
Berceli, D., & Holley, L. (2005). Evaluating the effects of stress reduction exercises. Unpublished paper, Arizona State University.
Beattie, J., & Berceli, D. (2021). Global Case study: The effects of TRE on perceived stress, flourishing and chronic pain self-efficacy. | View Full Version | View Short Version
Torres de Almeida, J., & Oberto Rodrigues, G. (2021). Tension Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) regulates the Autonomous Nervous System (ANS), increases Heart Rate Variability (HRV), and Improves Psychophysiological Stress in University Students. | View
Oh, J. & Shin, C. S. A Pilot Study on the Anxiety Reduction Effect of Tension, Stress, and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE). Asia-pacific J Convergent Res Interchange 7, 379–388 (2021). | Download
Johnson, S. A Body-Based Group Intervention for Teacher Stress and Burnout in High-Risk Schools. Acta Psychopathol 3, (2017). | Download
Research Reports
Department of Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury. Mind Body Skills for Regulating the Autonomic Nervous System. Published June 2011. | Download
TRE Tension, Stress and Trauma Releasing Exercises (Evaluation eines ressourcenschonenden traumatherapeutischen Verfahren) | Download
Salmon, M. Interim Research Report 2, May 2013. Pilot TRE Research program with Chrysalis Academy Students, Cape Town, South Africa. (Chrysalis is a school for at risk youngsters from disenfranchised communities who are interested in taking responsibility for transforming their lives). | Download
Kent M. Neurogenic Tremors Training (TRE) for Stress and PTSD: A Controlled Clinical Trial: Final Report. 2018 June. | Download
Davis M, Hustead M, Dietrich B, Berceli D, and Kent, M. Neuromuscular Tremors as Tension and Trauma Releasing (TRE): From Cultural Practices to Controlled Clinical Trial (RCT) of TRE (2-186; Abstract #1213). In: Poster Abstract Book, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, 34th Annual Meeting: Promoting Societal Change: Integrating Traumatic Stress Research, Practice and Policy for Vulnerable Populations, November 8-10, 2018. Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, DC, USA. | Abstract
Publications: TRE Frameworks and Methods
Berceli D, Napoli M. A proposal for a mindfulness-based trauma-prevention program for social work professionals. Complement Health Pract Rev. 2007 Oct; 11 (3):1-13.| Abstract
Heath, R. ‘The Use of Trauma Release Exercises for Resilience Training & Early Intervention in the Australian Defence Force.’ Submission to the Joint Standing Committee for Defence, Foreign Affairs & Trade Parliamentary Inquiry into the Care of ADF Personnel Wounded and Injured on Operations. 2013. Download
Neurogenic Tremor Through TRE: Tension, Stress and Trauma Releasing Exercises according to D. Berceli in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 2015. | Download
Edwards, Linda, Ph.D., M.A.P.S. The Potential Role of Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) in the Treatment of Trauma, PTSD and its Co morbid Conditions including Anxiety, Depression and Somatoform Disorders | Download
Heath, R. ‘Debriefing the Body: Supporting Health Related Quality of Life of Volunteers & First Responders through TRE Resilience Training.’ Submission 120 to the Australian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Mental Health of First Responders, Emergency Services & Volunteers. 2018. Download
Heath, R. ‘A Trauma-informed Model of Shakes & Tremors, the Failure to Progress, Post-Traumatic Birth Recovery & Midwifery Self-care.’ Practice Matters, Australian Midwifery News. 2018, (Summer edition) Download
Heath, R. (2021). 'Tremors, Trauma, TRE and Re-embodiment'. In J. Guthrie, K. Sargent- Wishart, H. Hill, & A. Clarke (Eds.) The Art of Embodiment (pp. 37-50). Dance Therapy Association of Australasia Publications with the Body-Mind Centring Association. Melbourne: Australia. [View abstract] [Purchase Book containing full article].
Heath, R. ‘Winning the War Within: Why Body-Based Trauma Recovery is a Missing Link in Preventing Defence & Veteran Suicide’ Submission to the Australian Royal Commission into Defence & Veteran Suicide. 2022. Download
Conference Presentations
Johnson S. Interventions for stress and burnout of secondary school educators in high-risk schools. In: Robert M, ed. Abstracts of the 30th International Congress of Psychology; 2012 Jul 22-27; Cape Town, South Africa. Oxon, UK: Psychology Press; 2012. p. 167. | Download
Nibel H. Shake it up baby! Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises (TRE@) as a new promising offering in promoting occupational health Proceedings of the Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft [Society of Occupational Science] Spring Convention; 2015 Feb 25-27; Karlruhe, Germany. | Download
Nibel H. and Herold A. Evaluation of a resource-saving trauma-therapeutic procedure TRE (Trauma and Stress Releasing Exercises) Conference Poster Presentation: Congress of the DGWMP German Society for Military Medicine and Pharmacy, Gladbeck 2017 | Download
Nibel H. and Herold A. Körperorientiertes Coaching für ressourcenschonendes Auflösen chronischer Stressreaktionen (Body-oriented coaching for resource-saving resolution of chronic stress reactions): Erdinger Coaching-Kongress, February 2017, Erdinger, Germany. | Download
STEPIŠNIK PERDIH, Tjaša. TRE for athletes. In: PAJEK, Maja (ed.), et al. Plenary lectures, invited proceedings, book of abstracts and book of proceedings, 5th International Scientific Conference of Slovenian Gymnastics Federation, Ljubljana, January 2018. Ljubljana: Slovenian Gymnastics Federation. 2018, p. 151-159. | Download
Lynning, Marie. Exploring outcomes of Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) on people with multiple sclerosis – a pilot study. RIMS conference June 2019 in Ljubljana (European Conference for Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis). View here: View abstract (Submission #47)| Slide
Lynning, Marie. Perceived benefits of Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) among people with multiple sclerosis – qualitative results from a pilot study. RIMS conference June 2019 in Ljubljana (European Conference for Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis). View here: View abstract (Submission #48)| Slide
Törmi, Kirsi. TRE as a body-mind therapy working with traumatic consequences of physical and mental illness: Hidden motion – working with deprived young adults in TRE and dance art. Symposium on the 7. Biennal ESTD (European Society for Trauma & Dissociation) Conference: The Legacy of Trauma and Dissociation: Body and Mind in a New Perspective. October 2019, Rome. Symposium ID SM-0 [View Abstract]
Nissen, Michael. TRE as a body-mind therapy working with traumatic consequences of physical and mental illness: Using TRE (tension and trauma releasing exercises) with people with multiple sclerosis (MS) in The Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society. Symposium on the 7. Biennal ESTD (European Society for Trauma & Dissociation) Conference: The Legacy of Trauma and Dissociation: Body and Mind in a New Perspective. October 2019, Rome. Symposium ID SM-0 [View Abstract]
Stepišnik Perdih, Tjaša. TRE as a body-mind therapy working with traumatic consequences of physical and mental illness: TRE for breast cancer survivors. Symposium on the 7. Biennal ESTD (European Society for Trauma & Dissociation) Conference: The Legacy of Trauma and Dissociation: Body and Mind in a New Perspective. October 2019, Rome. Symposium ID SM-0 [View Abstract]
Amaral MA, Almeida JT, Flores R, Menezes PFM, Machado DA, Silva PH. Programa de apoio emocional e redução de estresse para profissionais de saúde durante a pandemia da covid-19 (Emotional support and stress reduction program for health professionals during the covid-19 pandemic). First Virtual Congress of the National Council of Municipal Departments of Health-CONASEMS, Jul 10 - Nov 06 2020, Brazil. | View
Case Studies
Salmon, M. June, 2016. TRE Case Study: How often is Bi-Polar misdiagnosed? Presentation, Somerset West, Western cape, South Africa. | Link
MyLife Organisation 2010-2011. TRE Case study: Stress in Youth. Cape Town, South Africa. Watch
Hruby, H. and Beattie, J. (2021). Case Study: The effects of TRE on depression, anxiety, and stress in First Responders. (Unpublished Paper). | Link
Rosenberg, T.: “Testing the TRE method among people with arthritis.” Psychologist Michael Morin Nissen and psychologist Marianne Kjærem Nielsen held two workshops for the Danish Arthritis Association in the spring of 2019 with 20 participants in each workshop. Participants were to continue to do TRE for 3 months thereafter. Pixi edition in Danish of the external evaluation report of the company HR7 by psychologist Thomas Rosenberg. With support from The danish foundation TrygFonden. The Danish Arthritis Association, 2020 | View PDF
Heath, R,: “Evaluation of Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) Workshop for Bushfire Affected Communities.” Physiotherapist Richmond Heath provided TRE Recovery workshops for 80 survivors of the Black Saturday Bushfires in Australia in 2013 with and evaluation of a 1-day TRE workshop with 39 participants. Funded by Skyline Road North & Wallace Road Bushfire Zone Alliance (SWBZA Inc), 2013 [View Evaluation Report]
Research In Progress
January 2022. Williams-Hindle, Hayley. ‘Embodiment’ in Autistic Cultural and Creative Leadership praxis. An exploration of method and insight. [Download]
October 2021 to March 2022. Embodiment through the use of Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) in autistic cultural and creative leadership praxis. An exploration of method and insight (Provisional Title). Fellowship Grant: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) [Download Research Extract].
December 2021 to October 2023. Zhi-Xia Mao. TCM and psychological intervention on patients with Somatic Symptom Disorders of Heart-Kidney Disharmony and its effect evaluation. (Control study on patients with somatic symptoms as chief complaints, such as headache, back pain, gastrointestinal discomfort, sleep disorder, anxious emotion. The participants are assigned to 3 groups randomly, treated by Western medicine, TCM and TRE, respectively. Observe the curative effects in each group.)
Berceli D, Salmon M, Bonifas R, Ndefo N. Effects of self-induced unclassified tremors on quality of life among non-professional caregivers: A pilot study. Glob Adv Health Med. 2014;3(5):45-48. | Abstract
Berceli D. Evaluating the effects of stress reduction exercises employing mild tremors: a pilot study [dissertation]. Phoenix (AZ): Arizona State University; 2009. | Download
Berceli D. [Neurogenic tremors: A body-oriented treatment for trauma in large populations]. Trauma und Gewalt. 2010 May; 4 (2):148-156. German. |Download
Berceli D, Napoli M. A proposal for a mindfulness-based trauma-prevention program for social work professionals. Complement Health Pract Rev. 2007 Oct; 11 (3):1-13.
Department of Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury. Mind Body Skills for Regulating the Autonomic Nervous System. Published June 2011. | Download
Johnson S. Interventions for stress and burnout of secondary school educators in high-risk schools. In: Robert M, ed. Abstracts of the 30th International Congress of Psychology; 2012 Jul 22-27; Cape Town, South Africa. Oxon, UK: Psychology Press; 2012. p. 167. | Download
McCann T. An evaluation of the effects of a training program in trauma release exercises on quality of life [master’s thesis]. Cape Town, South Africa: University of Cape Town; 2011. | Download
**TRE® denotes TRE’s registered trademark. Dr. David Berceli holds the Copyright, Trademark and Service Mark (SM) for all TRE training materials and the TRE process. All rights to use are reserved and TRE FOR ALL, Inc (TFA) (NGO) holds distribution rights. Also protected are: Trauma Release Process SM, Tension Release Process SM.