★Please note, this Speciality Training is open to TRE® trainees, providers and trainers - it is not available to the general public.

Becoming curious with your tremor mechanism may assist with pain, inflammation, discomfort, freeze or atrophy in the pelvic, sacral and genital areas.  It may be that your jaw or facial muscles also soften once the middle body releases, or relaxes out of its guarded mode. TRE® can assist those of us who have shame, guilt, anger, sadness or lack of confidence with the sexual self - It can also help to move us towards healthier, sensual, present and more authentic states of relating in the sexual arena, and in life.

We learn how to be:

  • More Trauma Informed and aware, whilst working in the area of Sexual Health
  • More familiar with consent and feeling into the difference between appeasement and true-acceptance
  • More sensitively curious in phrasing questions 
  • More in tune with your own relationship with intimacy, touch and consent 
  • More able to listen to and relate to any reference of sexual trauma, without experiencing vicarious traumatisation
  • More attuned to how the body is responding during the session  - ensuring safety is present for everyone in the space
  • More connected to our “Visceral Voice” - the internal soul voice as opposed to the rational mind voice
  • More acutely aware of our Touch during therapeutic interventions, and if the tissue is replying "Yes or No"
  • More sensitive in working with Pendulation, which involves moving back and forth between sensations of safety and sensations of slight discomfort, as well as titration, which involves breaking down overwhelming experiences into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  • More curious about Interoception and the internal parts of our being

***Sexual Health relates to anything concerning the health of our genitals, our reproductive systems/hormones and our urinary health.  Sexual Health does not necessarily relate to sexual trauma or stress - it may equally relate to those wishing to improve their sexual frequency, increase their libido/desire and grow their feelings and sensations in the sexual body. Exploring these practices may offer a new awareness and relationship with our pleasure zones - moving out of shame and pain into creative and receptive, with a bit of juicy as a side!