Join this deep dive ONLINE, into nurturing your nervous system, an introduction into our Tremor Mechanism and the practice of TRE® or Tension/Trauma Release Exercises. This course is open to those who are curious about natural stress and trauma release, as well as somatic health and self healing. It is also open to those who wish to become Internationally Certified TRE® Practitioners (2 extra modules).
TRE® or the Tremor Mechanism is a natural somatic practice in growing and cultivating a healthy and regulated nervous system. It is an excellent grounding tool for those working as medical personnel, psychologists/therapists and first responders - or for anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, fear, trauma or PTSD in their own lives. This is an invitation to our most innate mammalian response for mild daily stress, all the way to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). It is an excellent grounding tool that reduces the discharge of un-healthy stress hormones, bringing all aspects of the body back to balance and homeostasis, allowing for a more free and peaceful existence. This mechanism, is the body's most organic way of unravelling and re-organising contracted or tight stress patterns in the body, and is a perfect tool for practitioners and teachers of Yoga, Pilates, Dance, Movement, Martial Arts and more.
This programme offers the opportunity for a deep, titrated, supported and sustained integration of the tremor mechanism.
*Please note - this programme is not suitable for pregnant women.
Fiona has been a TRE® Global Certification Trainer for 10 years, moving around the world offering TRE® in diversely traumatised communities. In her Private Practice she specialises in Sexual Health and Relationships with a focus on Addiction, Attachment Styles, Patterns and Triggers. She is passionate about the possibility of "Self-Healing" and promotes the movement from Co-Regulation to Self Regulation in her practice and her work.
Fiona encourages us to safely explore methods of movement and play with forms of resonance and vibration, as a way of moving towards nourishing our nervous systems. Through curiosity, we are led though simple, yet healing processes that bring balance back to all body systems. In her practice she also includes, Taoist Energy Work, Kinesiology, Breath work, Fascial Yoga and Craniosacral therapy. These approaches assist in returning home to a healthy and happy body.
Teodora is a TRE® Trainee Trainer based in Bucharest, Romania. Drawing on her experience with dance, Martial Arts, and climbing, she is passionate about exploring the amazing possibilities of the human organism and its ability to restore natural rhythms and flow that support a life of thriving instead of merely surviving.
A perfectly imperfect human, still on her own journey of hurting and healing, expressing and feeling, Teodora is offering her guidance, presence and aliveness in service to all of you who feel inside the possibility of uncovering your truest, unedited, authentic & natural selves that lie beneath the defence strategies that you may have come to know yourselves as.
She is inviting you to step out of doing and into your genuine Being, and she is deeply grateful to witness and guide you on the journey back HOME. Home to your undisturbed freedom, to your neutral natural center of being, to your yummy vibration and true pulsation, to your silent stillness and deep wisdom through the tremor mechanism evoked by TRE®.
- Learning TRE® for yourself
Online - 28/29 October 2023 [English]
10.00am - 6.00pm CEST
- Learning how to lead individuals through TRE®
Online - 2/3 December 2023 [English]
10.00am - 6.00pm CEST
Bucharest, Romania 9/10 December 2023 [English with presentations translated to Romanian]
10.00am - 6.00pm RO
- Learning how to lead a small group through TRE®
Online - March 2024 TBC [English]
Bucharest - March 2024 TBC [English]
- €300 per module [ 3 x 2 day modules] - €900 for all 6 teaching days
- €1000 for 10 private supervision sessions with your mentor or trainer, plus 6 x 2.5 hour Group Sessions.
Please note this is the minimum supervision hours, and you may be required by your trainer or mentor to do more supervision over the period of the training.
Total €1900.00 per person for the training. Please note this does not include registration fee with TRE for All [ €15-35 sliding scale]
Trainees and providers are encouraged to re-attend TRE® workshops for their own learning and benefit throughout the certification training period and after. All enrolled trainees and providers are able to re-attend 2/3 day modules/ workshops at a reduced rate of 50%. Re-attending and assisting at modules/workshops is an invaluable way to deepen your understanding and integration of the material presented, as well as to help facilitate your own tremoring through practising in a group environment. As TRE® grows, we are constantly adding new information to the workshops/modules - we also know that observing the practice in a group is a very positive and powerful learning experience of this process. If you wish to Audit/Assist, please contact Fiona
This experiential and exploratory training programme is designed to take you through a journey of discovering, understanding and regulating for yourself the Tremor Mechanism evoked through TRE®, as well as guide you towards becoming a Facilitator of this somatic exploration. This Module 1 can be for Self Development or as the first step of your TRE® Global Certification Training.
There are several mandatory components of this training programme that you are committing to,with full attendance,designed towards providing you a Certified status as TRE® Facilitator/ Provider. Once certified, you will be able to lead and hold space for other people as they come to uncover, explore and self- regulate this innate, genetically-encoded mechanism in their bodies.
**TRE® denotes TRE’s registered trademark. Dr. David Berceli holds the Copyright, Trademark and Service Mark (SM) for all TRE training materials and the TRE process. All rights to use are reserved and TRE FOR ALL, Inc (TFA) (NGO) holds distribution rights. Also protected are: Trauma Release Process SM, Tension Release Process SM.